


yellow thistle, nutritional and biological value, toxicological risks, essential and toxic trace elements


The use of non-traditional plant raw materials in the technology of food production is gaining relevance today due to the content in these plants of a complex of substances that have nutritional and biological value. Such promising crops include yellow thistle, the leaves and stems of which have long been used in various dishes. The plant contains a significant amount of vitamin C, carotenoids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, the issue of safety of such raw materials is not studied. In particular, numerous data indicate that wild plants are capable of accumulating toxic elements. The purpose of the work was to study the features of the nutritional value of yellow thistle and to conduct experimental studies of the content of essential and toxic elements in plants collected in the territories of the Lviv region of Ukraine, sufficiently distant from the sources of technogenic and anthropogenic pollutants. Materials and methods. Features of the nutritional value of yellow thistle were studied according to literature sources. The content of essential and toxic elements in the plants was determined by physicochemical methods, namely, the content of arsenic - photometrically; the content of zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt, nickel, lead and cadmium − by the method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Conclusions. Yellow thistle contains a large amount of nutrients (proteins, essential amino acids, fats, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals), which indicates the possibility of its use in population nutrition. At the same time, the ability of yellow thistle to accumulate toxic elements, namely lead and, to a lesser extent, cadmium, from the soils of ecologically safe territories was confirmed for the first time, and the issue of introducing safety precautions when using yellow thistle in food was raised, one of which is increased control over content of lead and cadmium in the above-ground parts of the plant. The prospects of the research are to conduct an experiment during several growing seasons with the analysis of all stages of plant growth, including the flowering stage, which is necessary to determine the accumulation and movement of pollutants in plant tissues during their life cycle.


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