pulmonary tuberculosis, genetically determined blood factors, haptoglobin phenotype, side effectsAbstract
In order to study the participation of genetically determined blood factors in the features of the development and course of pulmonary tuberculosis in 688 newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (adults) and in 43 children with the presence of local forms of tuberculosis, in 64 children infected with tuberculosis with different levels of antituberculosis immunity, the distribution was determined haptoglobin (Hр) phenotypes. The control group consisted of 765 practically healthy persons (donors) who denied contact with a tuberculosis patient; including 95 children with negative reactions to tuberculin. Haptoglobin phenotyping was performed by disk electrophoresis in a polyacrylamide gel followed by detection with benzidine reagent. The research methodology was consistent with the principles of evidence-based medicine and was implemented in accordance with the Concept of quality management of medical care in the field of health care in Ukraine. It was established that among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis of residents of the western regions of Ukraine, the frequency of meeting the Hp 2:2 phenotype is increasing, which is about 53.2% and can increase to 62% in patients with a chronic type of the disease, while among healthy people the frequency of meeting the Hp phenotype 2:2 is 35-38%. Comparison of the results of Hr typing among healthy and patients with pulmonary tuberculosis of adults and children revealed their complete coincidence, which indicates that genetically determined phenotypes of haptoglobin are phylogenetically related to the development of pulmonary tuberculosis. The presence of homozygous phenotypes of the haptoglobin phenotype Hр 1:1 or Hр 2:2 in children with tuberculin infection for more than two years and the presence of nonspecific changes in the lungs, especially in the absence of a postvaccination scar, is an additional marker of increased risk of tuberculosis disease in contacts from foci of tuberculosis infection. The presence of a homozygous carrier variant of Hр 2:2, Hр 1:1 (about 73% of those examined) in comparison with the phenotype of haptoglobin Hр 2:1 is less favorable in terms of the nature of the course of the disease, the development of adverse reactions to antituberculosis drugs and creates prerequisites for the formation of chronic forms of tuberculosis.
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