shoe glues, in vitro method, alternative test objects, cytotoxicity, safetyAbstract
In modern biomedical research, the use of methods at the cellular and molecular levels, which replace the classical paradigms for hazard determination and risk assessment, is becoming increasingly relevant for predicting the toxicity of chemical compounds. The aim of the work was to investigate the toxicity of shoe glues under in vitro conditions on alternative test systems. Materials and methods: studied glues used in footwear manufacturing technology: rubber, polychloroprene, and polyurethane. In vitro methods were HET-CAM test, evaluation of cytotoxicity in cell cultures (mouse fibroblasts of the Balb/c-3T3 line and human embryonic kidney cells of the HEK-293 line) and on the suspension culture of bull spermatozoa. Results: according to the totality of vascular reactions of the chorioallantoic membrane (hemorrhages, lysis and coagulation), the irritation indices were 7[7÷8.5] for rubber and polychloroprene glues, which characterizes them as substances of moderate irritating effect; 12[12÷13] for polyurethane - expressed. The cytotoxic effect of both "fresh" and "dried" rubber, polychloroprene, polyurethane glues is manifested under contact conditions of 24 hours, increases after exposure for 72 hours. and is characterized by a sharp decrease in the viability of Balb/c-3T3 cells. Cells of the HEK-293 line show greater resistance to the toxic effect of adhesive compounds. Evaporation of the solvent in adhesives reduces its toxicity under conditions of long-term contact. The cytotoxic effect on the sperm of bulls is manifested by a decrease in indicators of energy metabolism, a reduction in the survival time of germ cells, which increases the sequence of rubber, polychloroprene and polyurethane glues. Conclusions: The use of alternative models in toxicological studies makes it possible to expand the knowledge of the mechanisms of the harmful effect of adhesive compounds used in the shoe industry.
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