


bone fracture, maxillofacial area, gerontology and geriatrics, geriatric syndromes, rehabilitation


Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of indicators of nutritional and physical status as criteria for the effectiveness of rehabilitation intervention aimed at correcting the consequences of fractures of the lower jaw in patients of older age groups. Methods. 42 elderly and senile people took part in the research process. Group 1 consisted of 23 individuals whose history was not burdened by a fracture of the bones of the facial skull. Group 2 included 19 people with the consequences of a fracture of the lower jaw. A physical therapy program was developed for them, aimed at correcting the signs of deterioration of chewing function lasting 1 month. It included active and passive techniques to mobilize the lower jaw and improve masticatory function. The effectiveness of the program was assessed by Mini Nutritional assessment, Simplified Nutrition Assessment Questionnaire, Fatigue Assessment Scale, Fatigue Severity Scale, hand dynamometry. The results. In elderly and senile patients with the consequences of a fracture of the lower jaw, the state of malnutrition is determined (according to the Mini Nutritional assessment, Simplified Nutrition Assessment Questionnaire), increased fatigue (according to the Fatigue Assessment Scale, Fatigue Severity Scale), physical weakness (according to hand dynamometry). Under the influence of rehabilitation, the nutritional status of patients of group 2 improved statistically significantly from the initial state: according to the MNA scale, the improvement was 12.9%, SNAQ - 25%, but these parameters did not reach the level of group 1 (p>0.05). There was a decrease in the feeling of fatigue of people of group 2 to a moderate level according to FAS parameters - by 31%. Significantly compared to the initial examination, the importance of fatigue according to the FSS decreased by 17% (p<0.05); although the corresponding parameters of group 1 were not reached (p>0.05). The results of hand dynamometry in persons of group 2 improved relative to the initial result in men by 20.6%, in women by 19.5% (p<0.05), reaching the values of group 1. Conclusions. The developed complex rehabilitation program demonstrated a positive effect (p<0.05) on the studied indicators of malnutrition, fatigue, physical weakness compared to the initial data, which confirms the need for the implementation of specialized rehabilitation in patients of older age groups with injuries of the lower jaw for a long time, not only taking into account the condition of the orofacial zone, but also of geriatric status.


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