
  • K. Mazhak
  • O. Tkach


tuberculosis in children and teenagers, hematological indicators, biochemical indicators.


Abstract. In 128 children and teenagers undergoing inpatient treatment for primary tuberculosis (tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes was diagnosed in 85 children, exudative tuberculous pleurisy in 43 patients) the frequency of deviations of laboratory indicators was studied depending on the form of primary tuberculosis, the age of the patient and the period of treatment . Acute inflammatory abnormalities on admission were found more often in patients with tuberculous pleurisy (TB), especially in preschool age patients. In tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes, the frequency of acute-phase proteins increased from 17.8% to 39.5%. In the biochemical analysis of blood in children with various forms of primary tuberculosis, the frequency and severity of abnormalities in the proteinogram increased as the prevalence of the tubercular process increased. In patients 8-17 years old with tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes, 1-7 years old with an uncomplicated course of tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes and tuberculous pleurisy, the severity of specific inflammation significantly decreased after 2 months of treatment, in patients 1-7 years old with a complicated course of tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes - due to 4 months of chemotherapy. Together with the dynamics of the clinical and radiological picture, the obtained data allowed us to justify the duration of the intensive stage of specific treatment.


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