chronic gastritis, hepatitis, pancreaticobiliary tract, intestine, motor function, digestion, coprogramAbstract
Comorbid diseases of the stomach and hepatobiliary system (HBS) are a topical issue in modern medical practice because they are quite often diagnosed among various strata of the population and are associated with the development of complications. А common complication is changes in intestinal function. In modern literature, scientists describe this problem in terms of changes in intestinal microflora, the development of bacterial overgrowth, and bacterial translocation. Changes in the digestion of food components in the comorbid course of stomach diseases and GBS are only presented in individual works. The purpose of the research was to study and compare the digestive function in patients with chronic gastritis (CG) and in patients with chronic gastroduodenitis (CGD) combined with GBS pathology. The study involved 60 patients who were examined clinically and divided into 2 groups. The first group included 30 people with CG, and the second included 30 people with CGD in combination with chronic hepatitis associated with diseases of the pancreatobiliary tract (chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis). Digestive function was studied using a coprogram. Microscopic examination of the stool included the following indicators: digested and undigested muscle fibers, digested vegetable fiber, neutral fat, starch, and iodophilic flora in four degrees of severity. As a result, determinated the worst breakdown and assimilation of animal proteins and plant foods, insufficient absorption of fats and carbohydrates, and signs of dysbacteriosis were mainly in patients in the second group with CGD and GBS than in the patients in the first group with CG. It was concluded that comorbid diseases of the gastroduodenal zone, failure of the cholesecretory liver function in hepatitis, and chronic pancreatitis to a greater extent change the digestive function, which is more likely due to the severity of the course of the disease and reduce compensatory reactions. The prevalence of comorbid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system and incomplete clarity regarding the mechanisms of their development are the reasons for the attention of scientists and doctors. There's a necessity to conduct new research and develop effective diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive strategies.
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