students, rehabilitation, adaptation, educational and extracurricular activities, regime elements, hygienic assessmentAbstract
One of the most important factors in the assessment of the medical and social conditions of life of modern students is the hygienic assessment of the main regime elements of the daily activities of young women and young men who are studying, primarily in the context of the fact that it is the rational regime of educational and extracurricular activities that is the initial and mandatory link in the formation of healthy active way of life, an important indicator of the degree of success in the process of formation of adaptive resources of the organism. The aim of the study is to carry out a hygienic assessment of the main regime elements of educational and extracurricular activities of modern students who are learning specialties of the rehabilitation profile. Material and methods. Scientific work was carried out on the basis of a number of universities in Vinnytsya using hygienic, medical-sociological and statistical methods. The results. In the course of the research, it was found that although there was a predominant share of data showing the duration of educational activities within the walls of universities, as such, which approached the normative values, a large number of young women and young men were marked by a pronounced excess of the recommended values. The results of the assessment of the main routine elements of daily activities showed that students were not in the fresh air, especially on educational days (mostly less than 1 hour and from 1 to 2 hours), violations by the organization of food and, above all, a high prevalence of cases of two meals a day, a low level motor activity (the most characteristic was the duration of the dynamic component in the daily time budget in the range of 1 to 2 hours (35.5%) and the duration of the dynamic component in the daily time budget in the range of 2 to 3 hours (27.7%), mostly passive rest between classes (characteristic, respectively, for 54.4% and 22.2% of young women who majored in rehabilitation and, respectively, for 50.0% and 18.3% of young men who majored in general medicine), fairly homogeneous content of the main problems that arose during training, significantly reducing its effectiveness, mainly associated with a feeling of constant fatigue, as well as personal factors. Conclusions. In the course of the conducted research, it was established that the lifestyle characteristic of the researched persons, especially for students majoring in the rehabilitation profession, does not fully meet the established requirements, and thus requires some correction.
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