traumatic brain injury, skeletal trauma, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, cell therapy, ageAbstract
The aim of the study is to determine the age-related peculiarities of cytolysis syndrome formation in conditions of cranio-skeletal trauma (CST) and to evaluate the effectiveness of cell therapy in the correction of the identified disorders. Materials and methods. Cranio-skeletal trauma (CSI) was modelled in immature, mature and old rats under thiopental sodium anaesthesia. For the purpose of correction in groups of traumatized rats of different ages, cryopreserved neuroblast cells (NBC) from Wistar line rats were used, which were injected intravenously at a dose of 0,5 ml containing 106 cells. Additionally, in separate groups, 0,25 ml of a suspension of rat mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) at a dose 5*105 cells per rat was injected intraperitoneally. The rats were taken out of the experiment in conditions of anaesthesia after 14 days of post-traumatic period. Alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity (ALT and AST) were determined in the blood serum. Results. It was found that under the conditions of CST, in the blood serum of rats of different age groups, ALT and AST activity significantly increased in 14 days of the post-traumatic period compared to the control. The use of cell therapy in experimental groups of rats of different sexes compared to rats without correction caused a decrease in the activity of cytolysis markers in the blood. Under the influence of NBC monotherapy, ALT-activity of blood serum was statistically significantly reduced only in rats of younger age group, while AST-activity of blood serum was significantly reduced in rats of all age groups. The combined injection of NBC+MSC in rats of all age groups was accompanied by a significant decrease of aminotransferase activity in the blood serum. Compared to NBC monotherapy, NBC+MSC treatment caused a statistically significant decrease in blood serum ALT activity in mature and old rats, and AST activity in blood serum only in mature rats. At the same time, the degree of decrease in both ALT and AST activity in the blood serum was significantly higher in mature rats compared to rats of other age groups. Conclusions. It has been established that age-related efficacy of cell therapy in reducing systemic manifestations of cytolytic syndrome in the conditions of CST indicates the need for a differentiated approach to its use in the complex treatment of systemic disorders of traumatic disease.
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