
  • Yu.M. Deputat
  • A.Yu. Zhaldak


servicemen, nutrients, diet, Special Operations Forces, physical activity..


Abstract. The nutrition status of military servants of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the training and combat training was assessed. The research was conducted using calculation, questionnaire, comparative and statistical methods. The research was conducted using calculation, questionnaire, comparative and statistical methods. It was found that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the actual diet by weight was 1: 1.04: 3.8 and did not meet the physiological norm set by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for employees of group 5 physical activity (especially hard physical labor). The analysis of vitamin and microelement composition of the actual diet showed a lack of vitamins C and PP, as well as a reduced amount of trace elements - Ca (calcium) by 27% and J (iodine) by 80%, which can have negative consequences for the military. 77% of the surveyed servicemen, who are constantly provided with lunch in the military canteen on a free basis, were able to assess the nutrition by the method of questionnaires. 53% of respondents eat well two or fewer times a day, and 41% have never eaten. Total satisfaction with the quality of free lunches in the canteen of the military unit was expressed by only 41% of those who eat in it, 51% believe that cooked food could be better, and the remaining 8% are not completely satisfied with such lunches. The reasons for dissatisfaction with food in the dining room of most respondents were insufficient (to a greater or lesser extent) taste of cooked food (according to 57%), the frequency of meals during the week is often (23%) or sometimes (60%) respondents.


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