
  • O.S. Lalymenko
  • I.V. Zavgorodniy


professional burnout, efforts to work, levels of work ability.


Annotation. This article examines the role of psychosocial factors, in particular, efforts in work and levels of performance in the aspect of professional burnout among bank employees. The aim of the work was to establish significant relationships between the levels of performance and the balance of efforts / remuneration in occurrence of professional burnout using bank employees as examples. There are 140 employees of PJSC Bank Vostok, Kharkov, with an average age of 36.1 ± 9.1 years. Determination of the imbalance of efforts and remuneration during work was carried out using the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) questionnaire, the study of the subjective assessment of the level of performance was defined using the Work Attitude Inventory (WAI) questionnaire. It was determined that 83.3% of men and 80.5% of women employees belong to the risk group according to the ERI questionnaire, and the imbalance was more pronounced in men and women aged 31-45 and older. Also, it was determined that self-assessment of working capacity in relation to physical requirements for work was characterized as "low" in 44.4% of male and 38.9% female cases over 46 years old. Therefore, bank employees with poor performance and high levels of ERI imbalance require additional personalized programs to maintain labor longevity, as well as regular monitoring of these indicators in order to control the risk of psychosomatic morbidity.


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