
  • Y.T. Konechnyi
  • O.P. Korniychuk
  • I.V. Tymchuk


Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), antimicrobial resistance.


Abstract. Wound-related infections in the field of wound care are a leading factor in the development and spread of nosocomial strains. The main causative agents of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) are bacteria. The aim of this study was to identify pathogens of wound contents and assess their resistance. Microbiological studies of wound contents were performed in 25 patients, of which in 15 cases on the basis of clinical criteria was diagnosed with "HAIs". 38 strains of microorganisms were isolated from the wound contents. P. aeruginosa was most often isolated in 11 patients (44,0%), in monoculture - in 8 cases (32,0%). S. aureus was isolated in 6 patients (24,0%), S. epidermidis (12%) and E. coli (12,0%). In 2 cases Klebsiella pneumoniae was detected, which is 8,0% and in one case (4,0%) Proteus vulgaris.


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