


tuberculosis, incidence, prevalence, mortality, COVID-19.


Abstract. The purpose of our work was to investigate the tuberculosis situation in Ukraine in 2020–2021 compared to 2019. To solve this issue, we carried out a systematic and statistical analysis of data from official statistical reports and analytical collections on tuberculosis for 2019–2021. in Ukraine and literature available to us. The epidemic of COVID-19, to combat which the main material and human resources in the country's health care were directed, worsened the epidemiological situation with tuberculosis in Ukraine; there was a reduction in anti-tuberculosis measures, human resources and infrastructure of anti-tuberculosis facilities. This caused a decrease in the incidence, prevalence of tuberculosis and mortality from this disease, while in other countries of the world the rates of morbidity and mortality from tuberculosis and the effectiveness of treatment have increased significantly. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that in developed countries funding for anti-tuberculosis measures was not reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, but in Ukraine it was reduced; in addition, they used anti-tuberculosis facilities and involved phthisiology doctors in the treatment of patients with COVID-19, as a result of which they did not have the opportunity to provide assistance to patients with tuberculosis. We found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of health care resources (human and material) were directed at fighting it. Anti-tuberculosis measures were secondary and curtailed. This led to a decrease in the statistical rate of incidence of all clinical forms of tuberculosis and mortality from it, including polyresistant, and its relapses, as well as co-infection: tuberculosis / HIV / AIDS. The incidence of tuberculosis among medical workers decreased. The prevalence of all forms of active tuberculosis among Ukrainians had the same trend as the incidence.


Валецький Ю.М., Валецька Р.О., Грищук Л.А. та ін. Туберкульоз в Україні під час пандемії COVID-19 // Туберкульоз, легеневі хвороби, ВІЛ-інфекція.- 2022.-№ 4 - С. 45- 50. doi: 10.30978/TB-2022-4-45.

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