


nutrition of servicemen, dry rations, Armed Forces of Ukraine, NATO.


Abstract. Nutrition of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and NATO member countries is one of the most important components of ensuring their health and combat readiness. In Ukraine, in accordance with two norms of food supply (norm No. 10 and norm No. 15), individual rations of dry rations (IRK) have been developed. NATO member countries use dry rations from one to twenty-four varieties of food, vegetarian menu, take into account certain ethnic, religious requirements, and dietary restrictions. The analysis conducted on the nutrition of military personnel of confirms the high requirements for the quality and safety of dry rations in Ukraine and the armies of NATO member countries. Providing military personnel with the necessary food nutrients allows you to preserve their energy and physical capabilities, support the immune system and reduce the risk of diseases. The nutrition of military personnel in Ukraine and NATO countries has many common features, as it meets general standards of food quality and safety, and also takes into account the specifics of the work of the military and the requirements for physical exertion.


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