
  • L.P. Kozak


ethanol, brain, intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, antioxidant protection.


Abstract. It is known that the rate of formation and the content of acetaldehyde in the brain increases due to the systematic intake of a significant amount of ethanol, which is the main cause of alcohol intoxication. It is important to determine the degree of activation of lipid peroxidation processes and the balance of its antioxidant defense systems while assessing the degree of metabolic disorders under the action of ethanol. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of intermittent hypoxic training applied at the beginning of 30-day alcoholization of rats on the peroxide processes and the state of the antioxidant system of blood and brain tissue. The obtained data indicate the course of adaptive reactions in the blood and brain with the involvement of both enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems of antioxidant protection, but despite the activation of certain parts of the antioxidant system, free radical processes prevailed in brain tissue. It was found that sessions of short-term hypoxic effects at the beginning of chronic consumption of ethanol provide an increase in the antioxidant power of these animals relative to alcoholized ones.


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