


cell culture, blood proteins, heavy metals, toxicity in vitro.


Abstract. Today, in toxicology, the use of alternative in vitro test models, along with traditional experiments on warm-blooded animals, has become widely used to assess the safety of chemical substances. Among the existing ones, cell culture is the most common. Testing on cells provides information about the potential cytotoxic effect, and also allows studying the mechanisms of influence on various organs and tissues. Objects such as proteins and nucleic acids can also be used as alternative models. The toxicity of heavy metal compounds on cell culture and human blood plasma proteins in vitro was evaluated. It was established that liver and lung cells were the most sensitive to the toxic effects of heavy metal salts, while skin cells and lymphocytes were the least vulnerable. It was investigated that metal compounds caused significant conformational changes in blood proteins. The most pronounced denaturing effect on proteins was exerted by lead acetate in all studied concentrations. The cytotoxicity of metals decreased in the order Hg > Cd > Pb > Mn, and the denaturing activity in the sequence Pb>Hg>Cd>Mn. Based on the results of the study, the concentration of the metal compound (LC50), which caused 50% cell death compared to the control, was calculated.


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