



drinking water, physiological completeness of the mineral composition, hygienic requirements.


Abstract. The results of studies of drinking tap water according to indicators of completeness of the mineral composition showed that all samples correspond to the established standards according to the indicator of total hardness, sodium content, and the amount of dry residue. About half of the samples have a low content of potassium and magnesium, 10% of the samples are characterized by a low content of calcium and, accordingly, dry residue. Water of non-centralized drinking water supply (packaged and from filling points) is characterized by a low content of trace elements - none of the tested water samples has a mineral composition that meets the physiological needs of the human body. A sufficiently low content of potassium, magnesium, and fluorine was established (60.0%, 80.0%, and 90.0% of the tested samples do not meet the standards according to the indicated indicators, respectively). One out of 10 samples tested has an elevated level of hydrogen ions. Summarizing the literature data indicates that long-term consumption by the population of drinking water of inferior mineral composition leads to changes in the water-salt balance of the body, and subsequently to a violation of the balance of physiological processes and the occurrence or development of diseases of non-infectious etiology, namely caries, fluorosis, urinary system and circulatory system. Given the numerical evidence of the existence of a relationship between the mineral composition of drinking water and the nature of the impact on the health of the population, the non-compliance of drinking water with the criteria of physiological completeness can be considered as a hygienic problem with the introduction of control over the mentioned indicators in a mandatory manner.


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