

preventive toxicology, new paradigm, concept and program


Abstract. The beginning of the new 21st century is characterized by a faster pace of the natural sciences development with the priority of medical and biological direction and contradictory trends in the irassessment. On the one hand, they opened new opportunities for improving the quality of life, sustainable development of world civilization, prolonging the life expectancy of much of the earth's population, and in the other, the progressive growth of industrial and environmental emissions and pollution, the emergence of signs of global climate changes , wide spread systemic and new contagious diseases (example–the pandemic "COVID-19"), indicating signtificant shortcomings and even the failure of the global public health system. Among such global problems, one of the priorities in the risk of the spread and dangerous impact of chemical compounds in the human health (more than 100 thousand items) used in all spheres of human life. Inthissense, in should be noted that the existing system of toxicity testing and assessment (hygienic rationing), which was formed in the 60-70s of the last century, does not takein to account many advances in molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics and other modern priorities. Hence, the recognition of the need to change the paradigm in toxicity testing and its hygienic assessment, the largest of which is the program "Toxicity Testing - 21" (Tox-21). Its developers and proponents propose to move from animal experiments to technologies based on the use of human cells in short-term experiments, followed by large-scale mathematical modeling and justification of hygiene regulations and regulations for individual cases (industrial, environmentally important chemicals and drugs). Since the not all provisions of this progressive and promising program are unambiguous, and many developments of domestic toxicologists and hygienists are not taken into account, the purpose of this work was a critical analysis of the main provisions of the Tox-21 project and its evaluation on the basis of own research and domestic literature. This made it possible to conclude that Tox-21 opens a new stage in the analytical, substantive and prognostic components of preventive toxicology. However, at the present stage of its implementation it is necessary to use a compromise option based on a combination of animal experiments and alternative models with a progressive increase in the contribution of the latter as the development and validation of appropriate substitutes. Ukrainian toxicologists should be actively involved in this process, including using existing experience in assessing the toxicity of a wide range of potentially hazardous chemicals.


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