

age, work experience, 24-jour duties, surgeons, duration of work, self-assessment of workability, bloodcirculatory system.


Abstract. Based on a survey of 67 surgeons under 24-hour duties, an age-related decrease in workability was revealed, that is manifested in a gradual reduction in both the total number of overtime hours worked and the number of surgical operations performed during the duties after 40 years old were over. The duration of the surgical operation is also reduced, which increases at the beginning of the professional biography. The revealed correlation of the self-assessed workability with the experience of 24-hour duties shows the importance of maintaining mental capacity during the entire duties at the age under 40 and physical one - after 40 years old are over - as a criteria for natural professional selection. With ageing, blood pressure systolic in doctors increased, with an increase in age and work experience - decreased heart rate (that is not typical for the common population of working age), systolic and minute volume of bloodcirculation, increased pulse pressure and peripheral vascular resistance, Kerdo’s vegetative index decreased, circulatory insufficiency index increased (p<0,05). Such data may indicate the accelerated ageing of the circulatory system in surgeons under 24-hour duties and the need for preventive measures.


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