

Fe and Cu nanoparticles, toxicity, cytotoxicity.


Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the toxic effect of nanoparticles Fe 40 nm and Cu 20 nm on the rat organism under the condition of an isolated single injection into the peritoneum. The studies were carried out after 24 and 48 hours of metals NPs injection. The concentration of iron and copper in the blood and organs of control and experimental rats; biochemical indicators characterizing the state of the liver and kidneys; activity of peritoneal macrophages and the content of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in blood serum were determined. It was found that a single injection of Fe NPs into the peritoneum of rats led to an increase of the iron content in the blood, liver and kidneys, and Cu NPs to an increase of copper in the liver, kidneys, and thymus. Short-term exposure to Fe NPs and Cu NPs caused an increase of transaminase activity, uric acid, cholesterol, and triglycerides concentration in the blood serum of experimental rats, as a result of damage of liver and kidney cells. The introduction of metals NPs into the peritoneum of rats stimulated the formation of reactive oxygen species in peritoneal exudate cells - macrophages and an increase of the level of low- and high-molecular CIC in the blood, which indicates the stimulation of immune effect of this metals NPs.


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