generalized periodontitis, coronary artery disease, dental status, periodontal pocket, non-carious lesions, gum recession, diagnosisAbstract
To date, the close etiological and pathogenetic relationship between generalized periodontitis (GP) and coronary artery disease (CAD) has been proven. There are assumptions that systemic hemodynamic disturbances in CAD, in particular endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels and disturbances in the rheological properties of blood, can negatively affect the state of the microcirculatory system of periodontal tissues and worsen the clinical course of GP. The rapid progression of GP, in turn, has an adverse effect on the state of the maxillofacial system as a whole, which can lead to an increase in dentition defects due to tooth loss, the number of non-carious lesions, exposure of roots and tooth mobility, etc. Purpose of the study was to determine dental status and study the features of the clinical course of chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) in patients with CAD. Research methods. A dental examination was conducted of 114 patients with CGP of various degrees of severity and CAD (average age ˗ 58.01±0.78 years), who made up the main group, and 35 people with CGP not burdened by general somatic diseases, included in the comparison group (average age ˗ 46.05±2.14 years). The dental examination of the study participants included the collection of anamnesis and complaints, an extra oral and intra oral examination, during which the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth was assessed, in particular the presence of non-carious lesions (wedge-shaped defects, pathological wear of enamel), and the degree of tooth mobility was determined. Analysis of the periodontal status of patients included determination of periodontal pocket (PP) depth, epithelial attachment loss, gingival recession, and type of exudation from PP. Scientific novelty. The scientific data on the dental status of patients with CGP and CAD have been clarified and supplemented. Conclusions. The obtained results of the assessment of the dental status of the comparison groups indicate more pronounced pathological changes in the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth, dentition and periodontal tissues of patients with CGP and CAD. It was established that patients with CGP and CAD had a statistically higher number of extracted teeth and, as a result, dentition defects. Non-carious lesions, in particular wedgeshaped defects, pathological attrition and hyperesthesia were also more often observed in patients with CGP complicated by CAD. The assessment of the state of periodontal tissues based on the results of periodontal probing revealed differences in clinical indicators and higher values of PP depth, epithelial attachment loss, and gingival recession in patients with CGP and CAD.
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