
  • D.V. Shtybel
  • R.V. Kulinchenko
  • Y.O. Palamarchuk
  • A.V. Dvornyk




temporomandibular joint, temporomandibular disorders, magnetic resonance imaging, artificial intelligence


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the standard for visualization of soft tissue structures of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs). With the development of MRI hard- and software, the quality of visualization of TMJ structures has significantly increased, which has led to improving diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Moreover, the latest methods such as ZTE, fused MRI-CBCT images, dynamic MRI and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) bring MRI technology to a completely different level of diagnostic abilities. Purpose of the study. To assess the capabilities of modern MRI in complex diagnosis of TMDs. Material and methods. Literature review was carried out by processing scientific and metric bases, as a result 34 articles were selected for processing the full text. Results. In the standard MRI protocol of TMJ diagnosisis, machines with a magnetic field strength of 1.5T or 3T and, as a rule, pulse sequences T1, T2, PD and Fsat with the mouth open and closed are used, describing TMJ structures in the oblique frontal and oblique sagittal planes. By dynamic MRI (real-time MRI), it is possible to evaluate the movements of the articular head and the disc in the TMJ, which allows you to correctly determine the type of disk displacement. For simultaneous evaluation of bone and soft tissues, pulse sequence of ZTE or fused MRI-CBCT images are used. The use of AI for the diagnosis of TMDs is quite promising, but it requires the involvement of a large amount of data, new criteria and methods of analysis for machine learning. Conclusions. Nowadays, the improvement of the quality of TMD diagnosis with the help of MRI is both due to the increasing of the technical characteristics of the devices, and the software, MRI software integration with other radiological methods of TMJ examination and the use of AI.


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How to Cite

Shtybel, D., Kulinchenko, R., Palamarchuk, Y., & Dvornyk, A. (2024). ABILITIES OF MODERN MRI EXAMINATION IN COMPLEX DIAGNOSIS OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS. Via Stomatologiae, 1(2), 56–65. https://doi.org/10.32782/3041-1394.2024-2.7

