
  • N.І. Smolyar Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • N.L. Chukhray Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • E.V. Bezvushko Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • К.Н. Sementsiv Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
  • D.V. Danyluk Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University



children, dental health level, dental caries, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, malocclusions


Introduction. Children’s dental health is an urgent problem today, which is associated with a high prevalence of stomatological diseases morbidity. According to the data of professional literature, the growth of diseases is facilitated by the combined effect of a complex of factors: somatic pathology, environmental, social, psychoemotional stress, which play a leading role in the etiology and pathogenesis of dental diseases, contribute to a decrease in the protective properties of the child’s body. The use of various preventive measures helps to reduce the incidence, but the problem remains. Therefore, it is important to investigate the dental status of children in various educational institutions, identify risk factors, the occurrence of diseases and to develop measures to eliminate them. The aim of the study. On the base of indicators of dental morbidity, to assess the level of dental health of children who are in educational and rehabilitation centers. Research materials and methods. To assess the dental health level, 215 children aged 7–18 years who are in the educational and rehabilitation centers of communal institutions of the Lviv Regional Council (main group) and 185 children of the same age in secondary schools (comparison group) were examined. The condition of the hard tissues of the teeth, periodontium, the level of oral hygiene and the presence of malocclusions were determined in children. Based on the results of the disease prevalence data, the level of dental care and dental health of children were assessed. Results. It has been determined that the prevalence of dental caries in children of the main group is, on average, 91,35 ± 3,83% with an intensity of 6,38 ± 0,5 tooth, which are significantly higher than in children of the comparison group (72,66 ± 3,81% and 3,79 ± 0,48 tooth) and corresponds to a high level of intensity according to WHO criteria. The number of unfilled carious teeth is 4,88 ± 0,67 tooth in children of the main group, which significantly exceeds the value of filled teeth – 1,28 ± 0,27 tooth. In children of the comparison group, this ratio is 1,69 ± 0,39 tooth and 1,94 ± 0,17 tooth, respectively. The level of dental care according to the DMF index is assessed as insufficient (17,66%), which corresponds 86,15% of the need for dental caries treatment in children. A very low level of dental care was found in the age group of children aged 7–9 years (12,87%) and 10–12 years (12,78%). The dental health level of children is, on average, 56,25% in the main group of children and 68,75% in the comparison group. With age, the dental health level of children in the main group decreases and at the age of 16–18 years is 45%. Conclusions. It has been established that the prevalence of caries, periodontal diseases and malocclusions in children in educational and rehabilitation centers is significantly higher than in the comparison group. A significant predominance of carious unfilled teeth relative to filled teeth was determined, which indicates insufficient oral cavity sanitation. The insufficient level of dental care and low level of dental health of children was revealed, mainly due to the presence of multiple caries, untreated and complicated forms of caries, which indicates the lack of preventive measures and insufficiency of the system of organization of dental care for children in educational and rehabilitation centers.


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How to Cite

Smolyar, N., Chukhray, N., Bezvushko, E., Sementsiv К., & Danyluk, D. (2024). DENTAL HEALTH OF CHILDREN IN EDUCATIONAL AND REHABILITATION CENTERS. Via Stomatologiae, 1(3), 13–20.

