
  • V.M. Zubachyk Danylo Halytsky Lviv National University



development of medical education, educational institutions, medical professionals


Introduction. The aim of the study. To explore the history of dental medical education in Galicia, the establishment and organization of a university medical school at Lviv University, and the peculiarities of medical personnel training. Research materials and methods. The bibliographic method was used to study library catalogs; sources on the history of medicine, pedagogy; the chronological method, which allows to analyze the features of the formation and development of medical education in different historical periods. Results. The 19th century provided a powerful impetus for the development of a new science from dentistry through odontology to stomatology. The formation of Lviv stomatology to some extent depended on the state’s attitude towards medicine, education, and personnel training. Considering that the Galician territory was a part of Austria, Russia, Poland, Germany, the USSR, and since 1991, independent Ukraine, the political situation often imposed its ideologies, influenced the development of educational institutions, the formation of its leadership, and the direction of scientific affirmation of the researcher’s personality. This also determined the language of educaion and science: Latin, German, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian. However, the core element was still the professional attitude of the doctor to providing medical care, humane treatment of people, keeping the Hippocratic oath regardless of ethnic, linguistic, and religious affiliation. Moreover, the founders of the Lviv dental school were primarily graduates of the University of Vienna, and later universities in Berlin, Munich, Krakow, Warsaw, Prague, Kyiv, and Odessa. In addition, the advancement of each science depends to some extent on the development of scientific and technological progress and on individuals who shoulder the burden of responsibility for the development of the medical field. A complex of factors contributed to the formation and shaping of the modern Lviv dental school. Conclusions. The establishment of scientific and educational centers for training of highly qualified specialists contributes to the progress of the medical field and increases the level of dental care provision.


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How to Cite

Zubachyk, V. (2024). FORMATION OF LVIV DENTAL SCHOOL AS A UNIVERSITY MEDICAL EDUCATION. Via Stomatologiae, 1(3), 116–121.

