



rhinoplasty, bone department, dorsum of the nose, surgical treatment


Rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult sections of plastic surgery, primarily because the nose is the most open and visible part of the face, the smallest flaws of which are obvious. Secondly, the nose has a complex, often asymmetrical anatomy, which must be changed with high, truly microsurgical precision. The article presents historical aspects, modern views on surgical operations, considered treatment methods and main trends in modern rhinoplasty techniques. An analysis of the experience of leading surgeons in rhinoplasty and their methods in shaping the bony part of the dorsum of the nose was made. The purpose of the work is the study of research and scientific developments regarding the formation of the bony part of the dorsum of the nose during rhinoplasty. Materials and methods. Review and generalization of data from the literature, modern scientific and experimental research, which are related to the study of this issue. The results of the study prove that rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult sections of plastic surgery primarily because the nose is the most open and visible part of the face, the smallest flaws of which are obvious. Secondly, the nose has a complex, often asymmetrical anatomy, to change which is necessary with high, truly microsurgical precision. Menezes A.S., Guimarães J.R., Breda M., Vieira V., Dias L. Prove that in primary rhinoplasty, the nasal dorsum is often overresected, necessitating secondary rhinoplasty. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the optimal one from many existing transplants. In secondary rhinoplasty, the deformation of the lower third of the nose is most common. Thus, “polly beak” deformation is found in 34.0%, deformation of the tip of the nose – in 30.3%, excessive depression of the back of the nose – in 28.3% of patients. Conclusion. The analysis of literary sources makes it possible to state that rhinoplasty is one of the most complex sections of plastic surgery. Careful preoperative analysis and planning of the operation for the formation of the bony part of the dorsum of the nose, discussion of the possibilities and options of rhinoplasty, based on the wishes of the patient and taking into account the phenotypic features of the person, help to avoid misunderstandings between the surgeon and the patient and to recognize in the preoperative stage, the probability of complications after surgery.


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