arterial hypertension, obesity, COVID-19, LTB4, IL-6Abstract
Arterial hypertension (AH) is the most common comorbidity among patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and, regardless of other risk factors, worsens its course, which is apparently associated with immune activation and inflammation in the presence of AH and overweight and/or obesity. The aim of the study was to investigate the content of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in patients with AH, overweight and/or obesity and in combination with COVID-19. Materials and methods. We examined 84 patients:group 1 - 40 patients with AH, overweight and/or obesity, group 2 - 44 patients with AH, overweight and/or obesity and COVID-19 with interstitial lung damage. The control group consisted of 20 practically healthy volunteers. All patients underwent anthropometric, general clinical, laboratory, instrumental studies, and additionally determined the content of LTB4 and IL-6 in serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using identical protocols with LTB4 ELISA Kit and Human IL-6 SimpleStep ELISA Kit. Results. Patients with AH and overweight and/or obesity and COVID-19 had significantly higher LTB4 values 995 (767.5; 1645) pg/ml than in the group of patients with AH and overweight and/or obesity – 658.5 (433.5;858.75 pg/ml. Meanwhile, there was a significant growth of IL-6 in patients with AH and overweight and/or obesity (7.36±0.79 pg/ml) and in the combination of AH, overweight and/or obesity with COVID-19 (30.94±3.19 pg/ml). Conclusions. The course of AH in patients with overweight and/or obesity is accompanied by elevated values of LTB4 and IL-6, which is a consequence of chronic inflammation. Increased levels of LTB4 and IL-6 in patients with AH, overweight and/or obesity, and COVID-19 are likely to be a sign of a cytokine storm, with LTB4 levels asa neutrophil chemoattractant indicating a more serious course of this comorbid pathology. Given the important role of LTB4 and IL-6 in the pathogenesis of COVID-19, they can be considered as pharmacological targets to reduce the risk of severe coronavirus disease and improve the prognosis in patients with AH, overweight and/or obesity.
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