


colorectal cancer, colon, microflora, treatment


The medical definition of a malignant tumor of the mucous membrane of the large intestine is called colorectal cancer (CRC). The large intestine in humans is the part of the intestine from the ileocecal valve (the structure that separates the small and large intestines) to the anus (anus). Parts of the large intestine – sigmoid colon, colon, cecum, rectum. Sometimes the rectum is isolated separately. Tumors show similar symptoms, the same complications occur in different parts of the colon and have similar mechanisms. That is why all these diseases are united under one term “colorectal cancer”. This is a dangerous disease that requires preventive, educational measures and comprehensive treatment. The purpose of the work is the study of research and scientific developments regarding disturbances of the microflora of the colon in patients with colorectal cancer. Materials and methods. Review and generalization of the literature, modern scientific and experimental studies, which are related to the study of this issue. Research results: Approximately 45% of patients diagnosed with CRC die from this pathology, despite treatment. Studies confirm that despite the organization and implementation of screening measures, 14.7–60.0% of patients with CRC are diagnosed for the first time due to the occurrence of complications – acute intestinal obstruction, bleeding, perforation and peritonitis. Approximately 45% of patients diagnosed with CRC die from this pathology, despite treatment. Studies confirm that despite the organization and implementation of screening measures, 14.7–60.0% of patients with CRC are diagnosed for the first time due to the occurrence of complications – acute intestinal obstruction, bleeding, perforation and peritonitis. Conclusion. In the case of disturbances in the functioning of the intestinal microflora, the risk of developing a significant number of diseases (infectious, metabolic, autoimmune, oncological, neurological and endocrine), including colorectal cancer, increases.


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