surgical suture material, monocryl, vicryl, mammoplastyAbstract
Surgical complications increase with the increase in the number of operations on the mammary gland, and the connection of tissues is one of the most difficult stages of surgical intervention, the outcome of the operation largely depends on the quality of its performance. One of the factors that lead to inflammation can be the suture material used for the connection, which can then remain in the human body for a long time. The reaction of tissues to the results of the operation depends on the quality, chemical composition and structure of the suture material. The purpose of the work is to study surgical complications when using different types of suture material in aesthetic mammoplasty. Materials and methods. Review and generalization of data from the literature, modern scientific and experimental research related to the study of this issue. Results and discussion. The results of the study prove that suture material is used for applying surgical sutures and ligation of individual anatomical structures (vessels, skin, muscles, bones), as well as for stopping bleeding. This material must have strength, a smooth surface, withstand sterilization, and tie into strong knots. Surgical suture materials are a foreign object for the body, which remains in the tissues and can affect the course of the inflammatory process in different ways. In the surgical practice of aesthetic mammoplasty, depending on the area of application of sutures, the suture material can remain in the deep layers of soft tissues, or be removed after two weeks in the conditions of initial healing of the postoperative wound. Conclusions. The use of modern and safe suture materials with characteristics of strength and hypoallergenicity is no less important in surgery and correction of the mammary gland than the use of generally recognized and long-lasting surgical techniques. Therefore, the specifics of use and the quality of surgical suture material greatly influence the positive outcome of aesthetic mammoplasty surgery.
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