


toxic metals, essential trace elements, biological media (blood, serum and hair), reference values, exposure markers, biological monitoring, industrial exposure.


Abstract. The article reflects the results of biomonitoring of toxic metals in the biological environments of the population and workers at various industries. As a result of the analysis of modern literature, it is shown that one of the important elements of biological monitoring of exposure to xenobiotics, including toxic metals, is the concept of "norms", which is not a constant value due to the heterogeneity of geochemical living conditions, harmful habits, the nature of nutrition, age, gender differences and other factors Reference levels of the content of toxic metals and essential macro- (MaE) and micro-elements (ME), due to the use of different methodological approaches and laboratory equipment during their determination, have significant fluctuations in values. Also, in human biological environments over time, depending on the region of residence and the nature of environmental pollution, reference values can change significantly. Diagnosis of intoxication in workers in hazardous conditions and the population in general requires the introduction in Ukraine of new approaches to biological monitoring and to the regulation of the content of toxic metals and essential trace elements in human biological environments.


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